Ol Loggin TableTop Epoxy Resin Kit
Ol Loggin TableTop is a two-part Topcoat Epoxy which is VOC-free, 100% solids and odor free. This product is an excellent Topcoat and is designed for shallow pours less than 1/4”.
(Please see the “Ol Loggin Two Epoxy” for deep pours up to 2” Thick)
It displays excellent air release and colour retention capabilities.
Mix at a ratio of 2:1
Just mix 2 Parts “A” to 1 Part “B” for 5-7 minutes
Best for: Jewellery, Canvas, Countertops, filling engravings, Cracks, voids, or topcoating.
Working time 75 mins
Tack free in 10 hours
Light traffic ready after 48 hours
Made In Canada by LabSurface